Pagrindinis puslapis | | Kerk Apartment Amsterdam
Šeštadienis, 27 Liepa 2024

Kerk Apartment Amsterdam

Teerketelsteeg Amsterdam
Kerk Apartment Amsterdam

Beds' Arrangements: The two rooms' apartment includes: 3 single beds and a bunk bed in the bedroom (is therefore sleeps 5); in the other room there is a couch/double bed.
N.B: The Kerk Apartment is located between Singel and Spui straat. In this area there are some "Red Lights" with girls. Therefore, old people or families sometimes do not appreciate this kind of "attraction"; on the contrary, young people don't mind and groups of boys seem to love the area! Therefore, keep it in mind when you have a request for the Kerk Apartment.

Location: Between Spui and Singel, (close to Central Station)
Max number of people: Max 5/6 people

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Tipas : Amsterdam Apartments nearby the Central station
Telefonas : 0031648345517
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