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Saturday, 27 July 2024

Job required

Name : Simone

Hello my name is Simone I’m 25 year old and I’m looking for a job in a coffee shop. I got the EILTS certificate in Australia so I don’t have any problem with the English language.

looking for any job in Amsterdam

Name : Radoslaw
Telephone : +31623607241

hello,im 25y from poland and im looking for any job in Amsterdam. im living Adm-west, i got expierence in wood painting in/out. renowation production works , cleaner. etc, please contact

looking for work

Name : Francesco Mondelli
Telephone : 3298035718

hallo, my name is Francesco, I'm 21 years old and live in Italy. They are looking for a job, primarily in a cofee shop or even as a waiter in restaurants

I'm looking for a job as catering employee

Name : Murat SABAHAT
Telephone : 06 81 79 97 55

Hello, my name is Murat. I'm looking for a job: waiter,kitchen hand etc. where I can speak English/Dutch. I'm interested in and good at cooking. I'm still learning English. My English level is Pre-Intermediate. Dutch is beginner. Salary is not important for me. I have BSN number. Murat SABAHAT muratsabahat77@gmail.com

coffeshop, shop assistent or little jobs

Name : dario e letizia
Telephone : 3486358084

hi we are dario and letizia. we looking for a little job, where to work both toghether.our level of English is low. as we are content to pay room and board.


Looking for work

Name : DimitriosVovouras
Telephone : +31617934233

Hello I'm 30 years old looking for a job at Netherlands, I don't know Dutch but I'm speaking / writing good English and Greek! I'm only 2 months in Netherlands and I have BSN. I used to work as a painter and builder construction subject, and many years as waiter at restaurant and bars. I'm looking for any kind of work



Name : Bruno
Telephone : 0626678085

Hello my name is Bruno Iapino, forty-eight years I live in Amsterdam, I have experience in the tourism, hospitality and cuisine, I offer myself as an assistant cook or dishwasher. You can contact me either by telephone or mail to bruno.iapino@gmail.com

Job Search

Name : Christian Ruggiero
Telephone : 0647649533

Hello my name is Christian Ruggiero, I'm twenty years I live in Amsterdam, I grew up in my parents' restaurant I'm familiar with the kitchen and I have experience as an assistant pizza, waiter. I aim to help pizza chef, sous chef, and even a dishwasher You can contact me either by telephone or mail to Christhewild@hotmail.it


Name : Angela

Hello my name is Angela Tambaro, I am twenty-six yers old and live in Amsterdam. I have much experience in the cleaning industry, I worked as a nanny, I have experience as a masseuse and massage have become a teacher. I aim for cleaning of hotels, houses and restaurants, or even a dishwasher in a restaurant. please contact me at email reira27@hotmail.it

Job search

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